Tentang NitrAc Reagent: NitrAc Reagent always used with test A for the confirmation of Opiates (Morphine, Codeine or Heroin) and Amphetamine-type compound as well as a general screening test for other drugs.
Gambar Produk:
Harga Produk:Rp.300.000,00
Isi Produk:- Reagent NitrAc 10 ml- Botol Kaca untuk...
Froehde Reagent | Test Kit Narkoba
Tentang Froehde Reagent: The Froehde reagent is used as a simple spot-test to presumptively identify alkaloids, especially opioids, as well as other compounds..
Gambar Produk:
Harga Produk:Rp.300.000,00
Isi Produk:- Reagent Froehde 10 ml- Botol Kaca untuk pengujian- Petunjuk pakai
Untuk pemesanan...
Liebermann Reagent | Test Kit Narkoba
Tentang Liebermann Reagent: The Liebermann reagent named after Hungarian chemist Leo Liebermann (1852-1926) is used as a simple spot-test to presumptively identify alkaloids as well as other compounds. The test is performed by scraping off a small amount of the substance and adding a drop of the reagent...
Mandelin Reagent | Test Kit Narkoba
Tentang Mandelin Reagent: The Mandelin reagent is used as a simple spot-test to presumptively identify alkaloids as well as other compounds. It is composed of a mixture of ammonium metavanadate and concentrated sulfuric acid. Its primary use is for the detection of ketamine and PMA[1] Unlike the most...
Marquis Reagent | Test Kit Narkoba
Tentang Marquis Reagent: Marquis reagent is used as a simple spot-test to presumptively identify alkaloids as well as other compounds. It is composed of a mixture of formaldehyde and concentrated sulfuric acid, which is dripped onto the substance being tested.
Gambar Produk:
Harga Produk:Rp.300.000,00
Cocaine Test Kit
Nama Produk: Cocaine Test Kit
Deskripsi produk :
Sebagian dari kita pasti sudah tidak asing dengan istilah Kokain atau cocaine. Benda ini sudah sering disebut-sebut di film action (film luar negri terutama karena film indonesia masih berkutat dengan elang-elangnya). Sebenernya apa sih kokain...
Cannabis Test Kit
Nama Produk: Cannabis Test Kit
Deskripsi produk :
Ganja atau Cannabis (Cannabis sativa, syn. Cannabis indica) adalah tumbuhan budidaya penghasil serat, namun lebih dikenal karena kandungan zat narkotika pada bijinya, tetrahidrokanabinol (THC, tetra-hydro-cannabinol) yang dapat membuat pemakainya mengalami...